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Powder Coated Fencing & Gates: Maintenance Tips

Maintenance Tips for Powder-Coated Fencing & Gates

Installing fencing or gates which are powder-coated is a smart move, especially in Perth where the weather swings from stifling heat to stormy winds and rain throughout the year. Powdercoating is environmentally friendly, cost-effective and highly durable.

A high-quality fence or gate will go through a thorough treatment process prior to the powder-coating. This process consists of acid wash baths to thoroughly clean the fence or gate which allows for a stronger bond between the metal and the powder coat.

At Fencemakers, we offer a two-year guarantee for our treated and powder-coated fencing and gate products because we know our coating lasts.

Powdercoating doesn’t require much maintenance, but for your fence or gate to stay in top shape, a little bit of cleaning and care can go a long way.


Counteracting dirt and salt build-up

While powder coating is durable, it’s not completely invincible. Certain climate and environmental changes can affect powder coating over time. A build-up of dirt in the crevices and joints of fencing and gates can create a home for insects and bacteria which can speed up the breakdown of the coating.

Powdercoating is a great way to prevent steel fencing from salt damage on fences and gates located near the ocean, such as in the Western Suburbs of Perth. However, over time, without at least an annual clean down, salt can build up on the coating and dull the colour, giving the product a chalky appearance.

To extend the life of your finish, be sure to clean it properly.

Tips for cleaning powder-coated fencing & gates

To protect the powder-coated surface, it’s important to clean it regularly. In order to clean it well without damaging it, follow these tips:

  1. Wipe your fence or gate gently with a wet sponge to remove loose dirt and debris. You can also use a soft brush; the idea here is to remove most of the surface-level dust and dirt.
  2. To get rid of salt and other harder-to-remove deposits, use a soft brush and a mild household detergent.
  3. Always use a detergent that does not contain solvents or petroleum-based chemicals which could damage the coating. A great way to determine whether a detergent is safe for your powder-coated surface is to check the directions for use to see whether or not you need to wear gloves. If gloves are required, the chances are the product will be too harsh for use on your powder-coated fence or gate.
  4. Rinse the detergent from the fence with lukewarm water. You can allow it to dry naturally or use a cloth to dry and polish it for a cleaner finish.

It is also possible to pressure wash your fence or gate, and it may be more efficient than handwashing it with a sponge or brush.

However, pressure washing does tend to leave more residue behind. This holds especially true in coastal areas where there may be a coating of sea salt on the fence, or in hard water areas where the pressure washer water may leave behind residue without detergent to soften the water.

Powder-coated fence & gate maintenance

Maintaining a powder-coated fence or gate is easy and does not require much effort. As a general rule, the harsher the climate, the more often it will need to be cleaned. We recommend cleaning your fencing and gates at least once or twice per year.

While a powder-coated finish will protect your fence or gate against the elements, regular cleaning will help to prevent build-up – and in turn help to increase the longevity of the product.

To find out more about our powder-coating process, or for more information on our range of fencing and gate products, please contact the friendly team at Fencemakers today.

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